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Beranda » #VICTORINOX Swiss » 5.7300.31 Pisau Sembelih 31 cm Victorinox Butcher Cimeter Handle Kayu

5.7300.31 Pisau Sembelih 31 cm Victorinox Butcher Cimeter Handle Kayu

Ditambahkan pada: 11 August 2020 / Kategori: ,
Limited Edition
Kode : 5.7300.31
Berat : 0.2 kg
Stok : Ready Stock
Dilihat : 662 kali
Review : Belum ada review
Rp 1.222.200
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Deskripsi 5.7300.31 Pisau Sembelih 31 cm Victorinox Butcher Cimeter Handle Kayu

Deskripsi Pisau Sembelih 5.7300.31 Victorinox Butcher Knife Cimeter 31 cm Rosewood
Victorinox Butcher knife 31 cm # 5.7300.31
straight blade, palisander wood handle

Product infomation:
* Victorinox Butcher knife
* Blade length: 31 cm
* Blade: straight
* Handle: wood
* Handle colour: palisander wood

Attributes: . Whether for chefs or butchers: the knife is the most important tool of the trade in both professions. Victorinox professional knives stand out thanks to their high-quality, durable materials and ergonomic design as well as being carefully developed for their intended purpose. Thanks to the broad product range, every professional will find the right knife for his or her specific requirements. The right blade hardness and the laser-tested cutting angle guarantee high edge retention.

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